Take a Word asked for ANGELS and here it is my own version of them: a lovely kid with butterfly wings.
I was searching for a meaningful quote on angels and stumbled with something better, quotes from children about angels:
"Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it." - Olive, age 9
"It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to heaven, and then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes." - Matthew, age 9
"Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead." - Daniel, age 9
"My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science." - Henry, age 8
"What I don't get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them." - Sarah, age 7
"Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter." - Jared, age 8
"I hear funny angels all the time in my dreams. And I'm sticking with that no matter how many people tell me I'm crazy". - Molly, age 8
Butterfly wings: Createwings Designs; texture: Shadowhouse Creations; papers: Zeldona Mellowmint and fredthecow stock; quotes are here.